5 tips to burn fat, lose weight, and lose weight as soon as possible - nabd Egypt
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5 tips to burn fat, lose weight, and lose weight as soon as possible

5 tips to burn fat, lose weight, and lose weight as soon as possible

5 tips to burn fat, lose weight, and lose weight as soon as possible

Slimming, weight loss, fat burning, and…. It is multiple terms for one thing

It is a goal for many people. Unfortunately, one of the problems of modern civilization is the lack of physical effort and fast food.

This article will give you 5 golden tips for slimming and losing weight

Tip # 1 for slimming and losing weight: Calculate calories

Calories are what the body consumes daily for all its functions, and it is calculated in calories or kilocalories.

The body's functions are divided into:

Basic functions or what is known as BMR

Such as digestion, breathing and other involuntary functions that continue throughout the day

B- The additional body movement, such as movement, exercise, ...

The total is what is known. By the Tdee, which is the most important number in the step of the diet calculation, and it varies according to your age, height, weight, effort,…. And many other factors

The tdee can be calculated after methods and equations, but I recommend the method found here (Link)


In order to lose and lose weight, you must reduce your calories, and in order to increase you must increase your calories

A kilogram of fat is estimated to be 7,000 calories

Tip No. 3 for weight loss: Physical exertion

The body consumes effort to move, and does not know whether this is in the exercise or outside it, because every movement requires effort

Body movement and effort outside of exercise is called the Neat

And most modern sports professionals prefer to increase the neat over the effort expended in exercise

To explain the reason for this, we will quote Pavel Tsul, a Russian coach for kettle sports, but “kettle bell”. To look at the old family photos and see, will you see a fat person?


The reality is a very weak opportunity, because in the past people used to spend a lot of movement effort in daily life and they were not working at desks sitting most of the time.

Either one will affect the most hourly daily training or physical exertion throughout the day

Therefore, we can instead of destroying the body on the treadmill or the wheel in the gym, an hour a day

We can increase the burning in simple steps, so instead of going up in the elevator I use the stairs, instead of riding a car, use a bicycle or walk a little, ... and so on.

Tip No. 4 for slimming and healthy sleep

People are advised to sleep for 6 to 8 hours per day during the night

Several studies have demonstrated the relationship between good sleep and fat loss


Perhaps because it affects appetite or the Gh hormone, better sleep equals a better body


Sleeping at night is better than sleeping during the day because the brain produces a substance called melatonin

When the light of the sun disappears, which helps to sleep and relax

One of the problems of modern civilization is the presence of mobile phones and modern household appliances that produce light close to sunlight, which reduces melatonin production and reduces sleep efficiency.

We recommend that you use the blue light filters available on Google Play to modify the lighting of your phone

We also recommend that you reduce your nightly caffeine intake

We also recommend that you exercise several hours away from bedtime


Tip # 5 for weight loss: Rational expectations

Does this sound familiar to you? You start out on a tough diet and achieve strong results, but don't satisfy you, so you give up and lose hope and gain weight again!

In fact, this is a story repeated for many people

We always recommend that you follow the theory of a diet marathon, not a race, that you strive to lose weight at a steady, slow, but steady rate

We recommend losing 0.5 to 1% of your weight per week

Or another way to achieve a deficit in your calories by 10 to 20% only when you lose weight

If you follow these simple steps, you will reach a perfect body with fewer health problems and without boredom or downtime

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